Updating your team’s profile in Nexudus

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The LaunchPad Collaborator Portal provides a Community Directory for individuals and companies (called teams).

As a LaunchPad Collaborator, you can update your personal profile to include something about yourself, a photo and a list of skills that you can offer people.

You can automatically associate a photo of yourself with your email address via the Gravatar web service.  A large number of online services will automatically look up your photo from Gravatar and display it for you.  Click here to upload an image of yourself to Gravatar and ‘Create your own Gravatar’.

To update your profile:

  • Goto the LaunchPad Web site and click on ‘Collaborator Portal’ – you’ll need to log in with the username/password we provided when you joined LaunchPad
  • Click on ‘My Account’ – you should see a page listing all the profile items you can update
  • If you’re the primary account holder (someone who receives invoices for your space), then you can update your Team Profile as well.
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