Setting up printers on PC

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LaunchPad currently has either a Ricoh MPC45 or MPC35-based printer/copier installed at each building.

These printers support nearly all Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS versions, including AirPrint. Printing can be done directly from almost any device, and users can set up their configuration on the printer console using various Android Apps.

Printer Names

 Printer Location    IP Address  Printer Name
 LaunchPad Evolve – Near Flinders Rm  LaunchPad P03L0.0 – Flinders Room
 LaunchPad ReOrbit – Rear of building  LaunchPad P05L1.0 – ReOrbit

Basic PC Setup

Step 1 – Install the Installer of the Installer

(Yes, I kid you not. Ricoh have created a process that requires an Installer of the Installer of the Installer…  but don’t give up hope; it’s pretty straightforward.)
Click on the link below to locate the Ricoh Device Software Manager – this streamlines installing the drivers on Windows.

Windows Printer Install Step 1

On this page, find the ‘Go to download site’ text and click on Download.

Windows Printer Install Step 2

Under ‘Device Software Manager’ click on ‘Download’
(This should have already detected your Windows version, but change it if necessary.)

Windows Printer Install Step 3

Click on ‘I accept the agreement’ (who reads it anyway…) and click on ‘Install’.

Windows Printer Install Step 4

This downloads the second Installer and runs it.

Windows Printer Install Step 5

Click on ‘Next>’

Windows Printer Install Step 6

It’s up to you, but we elect not to participate in their program.  Click ‘Next>’.

Windows Printer Install Step 8

Choose ‘Run Driver Installer’ and click ‘Finish’.
(This will run the third and final Installer…)

Step 2 – Actually Installing the Driver…

Windows Printer Install Step 10

Once the Installer and checked for the latest version, it should ask you to accept their License agreement.  Click ‘I Agree’ and then ‘Next’.

Windows Printer Install Step 11

Choose ‘Networked’ and then click ‘Next’.

Windows Printer Install Step 12

You should see a list of LaunchPad printers appear (compare the IP Addresses to the list at the top of this article).

Make sure you remember which printer you installed (the IP address)
– you’ll need to refer to this later.

Choose any of the LaunchPad printers (ideally the closest to you() and click ‘Next’.

Windows Printer Install Step 15

Once the driver is installed, click on ‘Finish’.

You can run through the entire process again from Step 2 by clicking the ‘Driver Installer’ short-cut created on your desktop.

Windows Installer Step 22

If you have any problems with this process, contact the Groundcrew for help.


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8  +  1  =  

LaunchPad Create
122 Cremorne St. Cremorne
LaunchPad Evolve
132 Cremorne St. Cremorne
LaunchPad Orbit
130 Cremorne St. Cremorne