Adding KB Articles

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This procedure provides a walkthrough on how to add articles to the LaunchPad Knowledge Base.

Site Setup

LaunchPad runs four websites:

  • Production web site (live):
    This web site is the primary landing place for people searching for information about Launchpad.  It’s optimised for Google SEO and only has content that’s relevant for that purpose.  Do not edit this site directly
  • Development:
    This site is a copy of the ‘live’ site and is a staging area for updates.  It’s where we make changes and test before rolling to the live site, which occurs around every two weeks
  • Knowledge Base:
    This web site has articles relating to our knowledge base.  Links from the live and development sites point here, so changes you make are visible to the community straightway
  • Collaborator Portal (Nexudus Space website):
    This site is a default web site set up by our Nexudus system.  We’ve removed all of the promotional information (as this exists on our production site) so that only articles relevant to our Collaborators is visible.

Logging In

Only the Groundcrew members can add KB articles.  You’ll need to log in so that an article menu bar appears.

Go to this site: and click on the ‘login’ button.

You’ll need to use the login provided.  Once logged in, you should see an extra menu appear at the top of the window.

Adding an Article

Click on ‘+ New’ and choose ‘KB Article’.

Below the ‘Add New Article’ heading, type in the title of your article in the field.  Make this descriptive, but short.  Ideally, the subject of the article should clear, for example ‘Adding Collaborators to Nexudus’.

If you’re into WordPress, you can use the DIVI Editor, otherwise, ignore the ‘builder’ button.

In the large white text box, you can type in your article.  Use the tools to select headings, font styles etc.  Always start the article with a heading (use the drop-down list with the word ‘paragraph’ to select a style).

Adding Images

There are lots of keyboard shortcuts that are useful, and you can click on the ‘Toolbar Toggle’ button to show extra tools and then ‘?’ icon to display them.

Use the Cntrl+Alt+m short cut to insert an image via the upload form.  First, create your image or screenshot (Cmd+Shift+4 on a Mac, Prntscn on Windows).

Click on Select Files and upload your image.  Ideally, change the name of the file to something sensible.  Once uploaded, click on the ‘Insert into Post’ button to insert into your article.

Centred images look best in the article.  Click on the ‘Align Centre’ toolbar icon to centre the image.

Completing the Article

When you’re happy with the text, you’ll need to target the audience for the article.

In the righthand sidebar, find the ‘Topics’ box.  In here select all relevant topics for this article.

Below the Article text box, you’ll also find the Related Articles section.  You can link to other articles that are relevant.

Next, choose if this article should be visible to everyone (public and Collaborators) or just the Groundcrew.  Generally, any topic marked ‘Groundcrew’, ‘Systems’, ‘Procedures’ etc. should be private to the Groundcrew.

To make an article private to the Groundcrew, unselect ‘Guest (anyone)’ from the ‘MinervaKB: Restrict access’ list.


When you have finished targeting the article, publish the results.

In the right sidebar, click on the ‘Publish’ button.

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