LaunchPad Security Policy

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To provide guidance on creating LaunchPad sites that are safe for our members and their equipment.

How it relates to our Values

Value-some Services – Better than average security is included in the price
Audacious Space – The security system doesn’t detract from the aesthetic
Eclectic Members – The system meets the needs of all our members
Transformative Relationships – Working with us improves our member’s lives
Intuitive Systems – The security system just works and isn’t bureaucratic


Create systems/buildings with 4 lines of defence (in depth):

  1. Create sites that are obviously secure so that would be thieves are encouraged to find easier targets
  2. Fortify sites so that thieves are prohibited from gaining access
  3. Defend sites so that should someone gain access, the environment makes it difficult for them to achieve their goals (time is the thief’s biggest concern)
  4. Assist in recovery should a thieve manage to remove items, help police locate the items.

Create a smart security system so that it works without our members needing to change their behaviour

Provide our members with the tools they need, so they can take control of their own security.

Fulfil our duty of care for the first member in and the last member out, ensuring they are safe at all times.

For information on the security procedures see the information in Related Articles.

Facility Access

Hours of Operation

LaunchPad sites are open during normal business hours, from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays and between Christmas and New Year.

From time to time LaunchPad may choose to close a site, which case the Ground Crew will notify the site’s members at least one week prior to the date.

Swipe Tags

If you have signed up for a full-time membership with LaunchPad, then you will have been provided a ‘blue swipe’ tag that you can use to access your primary site outside of these times.

By default, LaunchPad does not grant access to all LaunchPad sites, just the site you’ve nominated as your primary location (usually the place you’re mail is delivered).

If you require access to other sites, say for a meeting, then you can either contact the Ground Crew during business hours to add access to your swipe tag, or contact the monitored security company prior to your meeting.

All tags are coded to an individual to allow us to log out of hours access.  You are not allowed to provide your swipe tag to others, including other LaunchPad Members.  If you lose a tag you must notify the Ground Crew as soon as possible.  Lost tags may incur a replacement cost.

Note: You must not write on the tag or allow it to be identified in any way with LaunchPad.

Out of Business Hours Access

Full-time members are allowed to access LaunchPad out of business hours.  You can use your blue swipe-tag to temporarily unlock doors allowing you to gain access to your primary site.  Swiping the tag on a reader will identify you to the security system, however, the door reader does not disable the alarm system (see below).

Depending on the site, the alarm system will automatically arm unless you have notified the monitored security company.

Working Back Late

From time to time you may need to access LaunchPad late at night (generally after 10 pm).  In this case, you must notify the Security Monitoring company of your intention to occupy the site.

In this case, you will need to call the company (Best Choice Security Services) on 1300 377 662.

You will be asked to identify yourself, the company you work for and the password you use to access the printer.

Once you’ve identified yourself, you can provide a departure time, after which the security company will arm the alarm system.

Triggering the Alarm

In the event, you access the building after the alarm is armed, or if you’re currently in the building after the alarm is armed, you may accidentally cause the alarm to activate.

In this case, you must contact the monitoring company on 1300 377 662 and identify yourself as a current LaunchPad Member.

False Alarms

If you are unable to correctly identify yourself as a current LaunchPad Member, then the security company is authorised to dispatch a security patrol to investigate.

In the case of a False Alarm, the cost of dispatching the patrol will be charged to you.


LaunchPad has CCTV cameras located in strategic positions throughout the inside of each site and the carparks.

Cameras are set to record 24×7 onto a recording system, with sufficient capacity to cover one month, after which old records are overwritten.

LaunchPad does not make these recordings accessible to members, but may on occasion extract sections of video to provide in the case of a theft or OHS issue.

LaunchPad reserves the right to provide video footage to police or security staff in the case of a security breach.


LaunchPad does not provide coverage for your personal or business items, nor does LaunchPad cover Public Liability for your company and staff.  Our insurance covers items owned by LaunchPad and incidents that involve negligence of LaunchPad staff.

You must provide your own Content Insurance and Public Liability Insurance that covers incidents to your guests where your staff may be liable.

Virus Protection

It is a requirement for any devices accessing the LaunchPad network, that the device has a current installation of Virus Protection software.  LaunchPad takes no responsibility for

Regular Security Interviews

Periodically, LaunchPad will conduct an optional Security Interviews with each of our members to assist them in providing a safe and secure environment for them to conduct business and their staff.

The interview covers topics including backup and recovery status, insurance, virus protection status and knowledge of security procedures.

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